Monday 5 October 2015

Self Confidence

Now one thing that I struggle with still to this very day is self confidence. Things that people with low confidence do is compare themselves to other people and they think their not perfect. I have anxiety as you know from my previous blog post and comparing myself to other people is another thing that panics me. " If I don't do/get this people will look down on me" is a thing I say to myself a lot and you know what, Its really bad to do that.

One thing ive learnt is to stop comparing yourself to other people, because there is a part of them that isnt perfect, you are who you are and you've just got to appreciate that because you don't want to be like other people because you are original and you should be or look like anyone else because there is nly one version of you, so show you off!!

If there is anything that you are worried about... tell someone:
*Family member

you get where i'm going :)

Even talk to me if you want advise via E-Mail, Google+, Instagram or just simply comment on this blogpost and I will be more than happy to help you.

I hope this Blog post came in handy and give it a +1 or a share on any type of social media. It would be much appreciated.



  1. True. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to face

  2. Great post! This is definitely something I struggle a lot with too, it's just something I feel like everyone goes through at some stage and some more extreme than others.
    Grace xx
